Versione Italiana
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Daily life in Italy

When dealing with official procedures within the city, almost all of them require an understanding of certain specific expressions which do not have direct equivalents in English. That's why we have started this 'working list' of definitions of certain italian terms and invite you to write to us should you have other terms you’d like to see defined on this list (see the 'contact info' section of this website for the e-mail address).


  • Carta di Identita Elettronica (CIE): It is the electronic identification card destined to substitute the paper-like version of the current identification document

  • Concorso: the word literally means 'contest'. In Italy all jobs in the public sector (as well as some other things like the assignment of public spaces, construction contracts and the like) are assigned by public contest that is announced with a Bando. On the communal website you will find a section called Concorsi with all open vacancies and other public opportunities.

  • IMU (ex ICI): The “Imposta Municipale Propria” represents a tax on all furniture, including main rooms and its belongings. The IMU substitues the ICI and also unifies and substitues, for the property component, the IRPEF and additional taxes on properties without tenants

  • Marca da Bollo: This word does not have an English translation, but is best defined as 'tax stamp'. The marca da bollo is proof of payment of a state tax with a receipt in the form of a stamp (it used to look like a postage stamp, but is now printed out on a computer). Some transactions or burocratic requests still require the payment and display of a marca da bollo, although in many cases this has been replaced by simplified electronic procedures (including the SCIA, see below). If you need a marca da bollo for any request, usually the amount will be specified; go to any Tabacchi and ask for a 'marca da bollo da [the amount]' and they will print one out for you.

  • Permesso di soggiorno: a paper or permit wich literally translates to 'permit to stay'. It must be requested by foreign citizens within 60 of living in the commune of Florence. The local residence within the commune must then be stated at the Registry Office (Ufficiale di Anagrafe), along with a copy of the ‘permesso’

  • SCIA (Segnalazione Certificata di Inizio Attività) : A declaration that you are opening a business or undertaking certain actions related to that business. Upon correct completion of these forms and payment of the relevant fee, you do not need to wait for a reply from the municipality for this is not considered a request for permission, but simply a declaration.

  • SBN (Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale): The network of Italian libraries promoted by the Ministry of cultural goods and activities with the cooperation of the Regions and of the University with the goal to overcome the fragmentation of library buildings, belonging to the political-cultural history of Italy. The libraries that participate in SBN are divided by location into groups of medium amount of libraries which manage their services according to automatic procedures.

  • SDIAF (Sistema Documentale Integrato dell'Area Fiorentina): It is a central document archive system that unites the communes of Chianti’s metropolitan area, the Florentine Valdarno and the Province of Florence. It is the only system that provides information regarding the territory, linking the libraries and archives within those areas. Its an innovative cultural network, making it possible for citizens to have access to a world of information and knowledge.

  • Tessera sanitaria: It is a card used to access Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) services including: obtaining pharmaceuticals, clinical tests and health care

  • URP: This simply stands for 'Ufficio per le Relazioni con il Pubblico', or Office for Citizen Relations. Nobody however refers to it as anything other than by its initials


  • FirenzeCard: The FirenzeCard gives priority access to the major museums, villas, churches, and historical gardens in the city without requiring a reservation. It costs €72 and lasts 72 hours. Also included is transportation on the city transit system and upgraded access to FirenzeWifi. The app is available on Android and iOS.


  • CFP (centro formazione professionale): Professional training courses of various levels: courses on the obligation of formal training, qualification courses for adults, updating and perfecting, courses for trainees and integrated paths school-formal training.

  • CRED (Centro Risorse Educative Didattiche Ausilioteca): through its services and its workshop and educational activities, it offers the educational world – and not only – a series of interventions regarding the topic of disability. Through these various offers, CRED seeks to encourage the scholastic and social integration of students, to support and inform the families, to contribute to the work of the teachers and to raise awareness of all citizens.

  • Imposta di soggiorno: Its a tax paid by individuals not residents in the commune of Florence and it applies for a maximum of 7 consecutive overnight stays within one of the accommodation structures in the city (including hotel, pensions, B&B, ect.); the amount varies according to the structure with a maximum of €5 per person per night.

  • IPERF (Imposta sul Reddito delle Persone Fisiche): This is Italian income tax. For all information regarding this tax please visit the website of the Agenzia delle Entrate

  • Pacchetto Scuola: The commune of Florence, according to the regional guidelines of the Right to Education (Diritto allo Studio), issues every year within the month of September a form to request economic support called “Pacchetto Scuola” to be used to buy the material required to attend school, thus seeking to decrease drop out rates. The recipients are primary schools students, students of first rank and second rank secondary schools, residents of the commune of Florence and members of families in difficult socio-economic conditions.
  • PAD (Punti Anagrafici Decentrati): Offices where it is possible to obtain all the certifications of civil state (birth, marriage, death) and registry (residence, change of residence, family status, ect.)

  • PEC (La Posta Elettronica Certificata): An electronic post system which guarantees the sender (citizen, association) the certainty, with legal value, of the sending and the delivery of documents via e-mail to the Municipal Administration (Amministrazione Comunale).

  • SOC (Sala operativa comunale): The municipal operations room, belonging to the Civil Protection (Protezione Civile) of the commune of Florence, has the following duties: activities for the prevention of risks within the municipality in junction with other departments of the institution; the management of tools for the prevention of detrimental interventions within the municipality; responsibility for the vigilance of the carrying out of urgent interventions by local Civil Protection structures including those outside the organization; management of Civil Protection emergencies of municipal responsibility; promotion and coordination of interdisciplinary committees for the editing of municipal and inter-municipal emergency plans; management of the relations with Civil Protection volunteer associations.

  • SUAP (Sportello Unico Attivita Produttive): Along with the offices for economic development (Sviluppo Economico) in Novoli, it provides and processes all the documents you need to submit in order to open a business in Florence.

  • Verbali e Notifiche: The Fines and Notifications Office provides information on how to pay traffic violation fines and will evaluate any disputes regarding the fine received.


  • ANPIL (area naturale protetta di interesse locale): A protected natural area in the city or just outside the city. They represent nature oasis which allow contact with the flora and fauna. The special characteristics of ANIPLs require conservation efforts and access regulations.

  • PAES (Piano d'Azione per la Energia Sostenibile): The commune of Florence’s action plan for sustainable energy combines various factors and is based on the strategic vision of Florence: based on an analysis of the carbon emission inventory of 2005, it aims to reduce the CO2 emission by 20% within 2020.

  • PCIP (Piano Comunale di Illuminazione Pubblica):  It guarantees urban traffic safety (cars, two wheeled vehicles and pedestrian), schedules maintenance, modifications and development of the lighting plan of the city.

  • Protezione Civile: The term "civil protection" means the act of protecting people, property, and the environment from danger caused by natural disasters and unexpected emergencies. The primary concerns of the Civil Protection Agency are the prediction and prevention of risks caused by adverse weather conditions, and the rescuing of people who have been affected.

  • SIT (Sistema Informativo Territoriale): This is a structuere which creates data banks and provides informative services to: technicians and citizens on INTERNET; offices in the commune on INTRANET and through its own office, where specialized hardware and software is available; other public entities and companies of public interest within specific partnerships for the standardization and exchange of databases.

  • Sportello EcoEquo: A point of information for citizens and associations who are committed to or want to commit to constructing experiences and concrete proposals to create responsible and eco friendly behaviours.


  • Comune di Firenze App: The app gives information relevant to many aspects of the city, including sports, tourism, events, culture, and more.

  • OpenData: A database containing all different types of information that is open to all of Florence to use. It is collaborative; to contribute, contact on Twitter, email, or send a message through the website.


  • ATAF: It manages the public transportation networks

  • CAP - COPIT - SITA - LAZZI: They manage the public transportation networks in the suburbs

  • GeoMobi: A useful app for mobile devices that provides real-time information on transportation and traffic within the city.

  • Porte telematiche: They are a system of video cameras placed at the entrance or access points (“varchi d’accesso”) to the ZTL (zona traffico controllata – restricted traffic zones). They are signalled by specific road signs and they automatically detect and register the license plates of all the vehicles that enter the ZTL zone. Access to the entrance points which are only to be used by public transport means and emergency means i.e. ambulances is prohibited to cars 24/7. It is possible to visualize the restricted traffic zones on a map. 

  • SAS (Servizi alla Strada): Website and office regarding ZTL and ZCS regulations

  • SOLVIT: It is a European network uniting 30 national centres that collaborate to resolve problems concerning the misapplication of community regulations by public administrations.

  • Stazione SMN: la Stazione Ferroviaria Santa Maria Novella - the Santa maria Novella train station

  • ZCS (Zona a Controllo Sosta): It is the controlled parking zone where transit is allowed with no specific restrictions. However, street parking is divided between residents and non-residents

  • ZTL (Zone a Traffico Limitato): It is the restricted traffic zone of the historic centre. Special rules govern access to, as well as transit through and parking in this zone. Bicycles, electric vehicles, motorcycles and scooters are permitted entrance during certain time periods.


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